Serving Ontario for over 20 years

Cardholder client issue

Cardholder client issue: someone used your ATM and has a complaint or problem.

Cardholder / TRANSACTION issue

The system always takes the requested amount from the cardholder’s account immediately after they enter their PIN and accept the surcharge for the withdrawal request.

The transaction receipt shows the amount requested and the amount dispensed. The amount dispensed plus the surcharge equals the net amount taken from their account.

99.8% of the time the system will reverse or adjust the transaction if for some reason the ATM is not able to dispense the full requested amount. The bank account will show a withdrawal from their account and after that a separate credit. It is very rare for this automatic credit not to occur.

Though the ATMs are highly reliable sometimes a note jams or ATM is unable to dispense the full requested amount.
Verify that the amount dispensed shown on their receipt matches the amount of cash they actually received.

If for some reason the cardholder did not get the full amount dispensed in cash check the transaction receipt (or electronic journal record see below).

  1. The cardholder should contact us and provide the reference the Terminal ID and Seq # (Sequence number), amount requested and amount dispensed form their receipt. OR

2. The cardholder may take the receipt to their bank and make a Trace Request but we recommend contacting us first.

Notre that a reversal initiated by us after verifying with you (or the cash filler) that a credit is due, will take 2-3 business days to process from date the Electronic Journal is provided.

Electronic Journal:

The ATM stores records of every transaction in the electronic journal. You can retrieve the transaction record from the ATM if the cardholder has lost the transaction receipt. We may ask you to provide the Electronic Journal record to verify the dispense or non-dispense of a disputed transaction.
> Finding and Printing Journal records from a Hyosung ATM


Never give a cardholder cash from your till for a dispute. Simply refer them to contact us at 1-877-571-2867 or

They should have their transaction receipt with them and reference the Terminal ID and Seq # (Sequence number), amount requested and amount dispensed.

If the customer has lost their receipt you can print or reference the transaction record in the ATM’s Electronic Journal / EJ
> Finding and Printing Journal records from a Hyosung ATM